Saturday, May 19, 2012

33 weeks!

Well, I have been a major blog slacker and that makes me sad:(  I really wanted to try to document every week of this pregnancy, but that just didn't happen.  I really have no excuse!

I kind of can't believe I'm 33 weeks!  In a way this pregnancy has crawled, but now that it's getting closer, I feel like time is speeding up and I want it to slow down.  I had a little stint in L&D last weekend due to some cramping I had been having.  Turns out I was having some contractions, but my cervix was closed and fFN was negative, so they weren't too worried.  Wednesday I had a check-up with my doctor.  Cervix was still closed, but a little shorter than he'd like to see at this point.  He put me on pelvic rest (hahaha - no problem there!), exercise restriction, and told me to basically just "lay low".  His goal is for me to make it to 36 weeks.  I really, really hope we make it longer than that because that's like, uh, 3 weeks away.  Eeeek!!  I know you're anxious to meet everyone, little boy, but you need to stay cooking awhile longer.

How far along are you? 33 weeks

Total weight gain: 27 lbs total.  Yikes!

How big is baby?: According to babycenter, he's 4 lbs and 17 inches.  However, this "little" guy was estimated to be 3.5 lbs at our 28 week appointment, so I'd guess he's a bit bigger than 4 lbs right now!

Maternity clothes: Yup, and I'm soooo sick of maternity jeans.  I still wear some of my regular tops with a long tank underneath and now that it's warmer I can wear some dresses.

Stretch marks?: Nope and I hope none suddenly appear!

Sleep?: Sleep is pretty uncomfortable these days. I have to constantly switch sides because my belly and hips ache.  I have established a pattern for peeing, too.  I go to sleep around 10 and wake up at exactly 12, 2 and 4 to go to the bathroom.  Lately, I've been having trouble falling back asleep after the last wake-up, though.

Best moment this week?: Going to L&D was definitely NOT the best moment, but I did get to hear his heartbeat on the monitors for over 3 hours, so that was nice.  He was moving all over the place and even had the hiccups a few times:)

Movement?:He pretty much never stops moving.  Unless I try to get someone else to feel my belly.  Then he gets all shy.

Food cravings?: I've been craving chicken nuggets from Wendy's for weeks now.  So weird.  I guess it's a good thing there's no Wendy's in the area!

Food aversions?: I'm back to being pretty grossed out by most vegetables:(

Labor signs?:Well, I guess so since I've been having cramping for the past week...

Belly button in or out?: Neither.  It's completely flat.

What I miss: Raw sushi.  I finally went to a sushi bar this week and ate all cooked stuff.  I was pretty much drooling over the raw fish.  Oh, and the beer.

What I'm looking forward to: My second baby shower next weekend with my co-workers.  I had my first baby shower a couple weeks ago with friends and family and it was lovely!

Here's a few pics from that shower: Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

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