Thursday, December 1, 2011

8 weeks!

Technically, today is 8w4d:) We had an u/s this morning and the dr. said everything couldn't look more perfect ;D He even said the baby was "huge" lol. It's measuring 8w4d.

My progesterone did drop quite a bit, though. It went from 55 last week to 25 this week, which is sort of concerning. I will have it checked again Monday and if it doesn't go up, I'll have to start PIO. Fun :/

Here's a pic of our little gummy bear. We could see it's little arm nubs waving around! So cute.

How far along are you? 8w1d

Total weight gain: Ummm, I really have no idea.

How big is baby?: 21mm, about the size of a peanut!

Maternity clothes: Not yet. Jeans are starting to get a little snug, but luckily it's the time of year for leggings:)

Stretch marks?: Nope.

Sleep?: I can't get enough! I'm sleeping well, but wake up once or twice a night to pee.

Best moment this week?: Definitely seeing the baby this morning!

Movement?: Not yet.

Food cravings?: Anything spicy. I've been eating a lot of scrambled egg whites with tabasco.

Food aversions?: Vegetables, although I'm trying to slowly work a few back into my diet. Broccoli still sounds disgusting.

Labor signs?: Let's hope not!

Belly button in or out?: In

What I miss: Coffee and working out. Although, I'm starting to feel more low energy, so even if I were allowed to work out, I probably wouldn't.

What I'm looking forward to: Hearing the heartbeat.

Milestone: The baby is sprouting little arms and legs!

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