Friday, December 30, 2011

I Graduated!

Today, at 12w6d, I FINALLY graduated from my RE. It was bittersweet. I have been going there for over a year so I had grown quite attached to everyone there and knew that I was in great hands. Plus I didn't mind the weekly ultrasounds to see the baby:) I was a little sad that the office I usually go to is closed this week for the holidays, so I had to go to a different one. The girls from my usual office sent a little goodbye note with my chart, so that was really sweet and made me cry. So everything looked great with the baby and now I am just excited to be considered a "normal" pregnant person! Next ultrasound is with the ob on January 11th. He says we'll be able to determine the sex at that time, but it seems super early. We'll see!

This week has been crazy. The day after Christmas, I came down with a nasty stomach bug and was out of commission for 3 days. Having the stomach flu is never fun, but I'm pretty sure it's worse when pregnant. I wasn't able to eat anything for two days and only a small amount on the third day but did my best to stay hydrated for the baby. I was sad that I completely lost the little belly that I had forming, but have no fear - it's back. With a vengeance, lol!
How far along are you? 12w6d

Total weight gain: Haven't weighed myself but I'm pretty sure I lost a few lbs after the flu.

How big is baby?: 3 inches!

Maternity clothes: Not yet.

Stretch marks?: Nope.

Sleep?: Still sleeping well. I got a Snoogle for Christmas!

Best moment this week?: This week has been pretty crappy.

Movement?: Not yet.

Food cravings?: Today I had a major craving for Salt and Vinegar chips. And yes, I gave into that craving. Mmmmm....

Food aversions?: Nothing in particular, it just depends on the moment.

Labor signs?: No way.

Belly button in or out?: In

What I miss: Sushi still. I practically start drooling at the sight of raw fish.

What I'm looking forward to: Starting 2nd tri and hopefully having more energy!

Milestone: Graduating from the RE.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

NT Scan

We had our NT scan today and everything looks good! Bloodwork results won't be in for about a week, but the nuchal thickness was only 1.2mm (anything under 3mm is good) and there were no other abnormal markers. The tech informed us that our baby has super long legs and giant feet! Future basketball player or supermodel?

We actually had an ultrasound with the RE this morning as well (I know, poor me). The baby was really active and flipping all over the place. I wish I had that much energy at 7 in the morning! Next week will be my last appointment at the RE's office. I will officially be a "normal" pregnant woman. I will miss seeing the baby every week, as well as the staff at the office that I've grown pretty attached to, but I think it may be good for my mental health to not stress about the ultrasound every single week. I mentioned to my ob that I've been spoiled with ultrasounds and he said, "Don't worry, I'll keep spoiling you." =) It looks like he's got me on an every 2-3 week schedule.

How far along are you? 11w1d, but baby is measuring 12 weeks. Wow.

Total weight gain: Still 5 lbs. No weight gain in the past 2 weeks!

How big is baby?: 49mm, about the size of a lime:)

Maternity clothes: Nope. I did buy a bella band, but it's a little big.

Stretch marks?: Nope.

Sleep?: sleeping pretty well, but getting up 2-3 times a night to pee.

Best moment this week?: Getting to see the baby twice this morning!

Movement?: Can't feel it yet.

Food cravings?: There was one day this week where I just HAD to have an orange. I had several that day, but that was my only real craving.

Food aversions?: I'm getting over most aversions. I'm kinda loving any food right now!

Labor signs?: No way.

Belly button in or out?: In

What I miss: Coffee. I think I'm going to start having a cup a day.

What I'm looking forward to: Graduating from the RE. Oh and no more PIO injections as of today. No more sore butt, yay!

Milestone: Having a good NT scan today.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Almost 10 weeks!

This has been one crazy week. I had FOUR appointments - 2 ultrasounds, one for just bloodwork, and one for an injections lesson. My progesterone ended up going down again so I did have to start PIO shots. My hubby has been a trooper giving them to me. My bum is a little sore but the actual injection doesn't hurt at all. Last night he said, "Maybe I should have been a nurse." Lol. Good news is that my progesterone is back up!

Here's a pic of the little peanut this week:

Also, my first real belly pic!

My stomach is still fairly flat in the morning and then looks like this by the afternoon, so it's mostly just bloat. Still exciting, though:)

How far along are you? 9w5d

Total weight gain: About 5 lbs

How big is baby?: It was 29mm on Thursday. Over an inch!

Maternity clothes: Not yet.

Stretch marks?: Nope.

Sleep?: Still sleeping pretty well.

Best moment this week?: Getting to see the baby twice and I heard the heartbeat! 171 bpm

Movement?: Not yet.

Food cravings?: Pizza! I've also really been wanting sushi:( I may go this weekend and get some cooked stuff, just to get the taste.

Food aversions?: Still not liking broccoli, but that's about it.

Labor signs?: Let's hope not!

Belly button in or out?: In

What I miss: Sushi and beer

What I'm looking forward to: Just seeing the baby again next Thursday.

Milestone: Hearing the heartbeat!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

8 weeks!

Technically, today is 8w4d:) We had an u/s this morning and the dr. said everything couldn't look more perfect ;D He even said the baby was "huge" lol. It's measuring 8w4d.

My progesterone did drop quite a bit, though. It went from 55 last week to 25 this week, which is sort of concerning. I will have it checked again Monday and if it doesn't go up, I'll have to start PIO. Fun :/

Here's a pic of our little gummy bear. We could see it's little arm nubs waving around! So cute.

How far along are you? 8w1d

Total weight gain: Ummm, I really have no idea.

How big is baby?: 21mm, about the size of a peanut!

Maternity clothes: Not yet. Jeans are starting to get a little snug, but luckily it's the time of year for leggings:)

Stretch marks?: Nope.

Sleep?: I can't get enough! I'm sleeping well, but wake up once or twice a night to pee.

Best moment this week?: Definitely seeing the baby this morning!

Movement?: Not yet.

Food cravings?: Anything spicy. I've been eating a lot of scrambled egg whites with tabasco.

Food aversions?: Vegetables, although I'm trying to slowly work a few back into my diet. Broccoli still sounds disgusting.

Labor signs?: Let's hope not!

Belly button in or out?: In

What I miss: Coffee and working out. Although, I'm starting to feel more low energy, so even if I were allowed to work out, I probably wouldn't.

What I'm looking forward to: Hearing the heartbeat.

Milestone: The baby is sprouting little arms and legs!